DanceConnect DanceConnect West Midlands is a creative experiment, exploring how we can collaborate remotely, across borders and boundaries, using movement and our phones. Here are 3 reasons why you should get involved: Connect with lots of other young people who are staying creative during lockdown This is the first step in a big new collaborative...
Youth Opportunity

DanceConnect West Midlands is a creative experiment, exploring how we can collaborate remotely, across borders and boundaries, using movement and our phones.
Here are 3 reasons why you should get involved:
Connect with lots of other young people who are staying creative during lockdown
This is the first step in a big new collaborative project showing off the amazing creative talent of young people in the Midlands and beyond
There are 2 creative challenges, devised with and by young people you can do one or both just remember to send it to us by 31 July 2020. #DanceConnect is funded by Arts Connect and produced by DanceXchange on behalf of Dance Development Leaders Group (DDLG), a West Midlands network of dance professionals.
Perform, film and edit yourself using your body, your phone and a free app, to create Self-Trio: three versions of you dancing together in the same space!, Here are some examples: Emma Example / James Example / Katie Example
Be as creative as possible when creating your movement using storytelling, moods, qualities, etc. Your film will be included in an #Self-Trio short film and shared as part of a #DanceConnect social media takeover in August 2020.
What you need:
A camera phone that you can use to film in landscape
A space (indoor or outdoor) divide into 3 sections and mark out the borders move any personal stuff out of the camera view
A tripod/someone to hold the camera steady/ a home-made stand like this (link to toilet roll)
What to do:
Invent some movement then divide it into three sections:
Sitting/Kneeling/In the middle section
Standing/Reaching Up
Keep your camera steady and film each of the dances (in landscape) take care to stay inside the borders
Edit the 3 short films into 1 Self Trio video using a free video app like: Live Collage on IOS or Android or, we can edit it for you and send it back (email
Upload your finished film to us via this Google Form by Friday 31 July 2020.
If you have any questions or require any support, please get in touch with the team at
One with Nature
Perform and film yourself at One with Nature, highlighting the importance of our relationship with our natural environment, especially at this moment in time.
Click here for an example of the creative challenge. Be as creative as possible when creating your movement and be inspired by the nature around you the movement, the shapes, the sounds – less is more.
The film you make will be included in an #OnewithNature short film and shared as part of a #DanceConnect social media takeover in August 2020.
What you need:
A camera phone that you can use to film in landscape
An outdoor space that inspires you (e.g. a tree, a field, a river, a mountain)
A tripod/someone to hold the camera steady/ a home-made stand (link to toilet roll holder)
What to do:
Create and perform movement inspired by your chosen outdoor location
Film a clip of 30 seconds maximum (in landscape)
Upload your finished film to us via this Google Form by Friday 31 July 2020. It will be included in an #OneWithNature short film and shared as part of a #DanceConnect social media takeover in August 2020.
If you have any questions or require any support, please get in touch with
Special thanks to Young Dance Leader Katie Holtom, Catherine Clisset (Brewhouse Arts Centre), Johnny Autin (Man Made Youth Company) and the young participants form the creative enquiry group: Ellie, Sadie, Evie, Katie, Jakob, Jim, Nonso and James.