Dance Festival Week

7 – 9 June at Walsall Arena
9am – 3pm

Early Years and Foundation Stage pupils with Primary Schools engage in a Festival Week of workshops and performances during the Summer Term 

Each Festival day 160 children spend the day at
Walsall Arena & Arts Centre                

During the morning they participate in workshops led by Professional Dance Artists who each create a mass choreographed performance piece with all of the participants 

The children open and close an afternoon performance with their newly created choreography and share their own dance creations with a public audience.

High Schools and Colleges are invited to perform in the public performance.

800 young people perform over the week and every festival day has a different programme of dances  

For further information on Dance Festival Week

BCDH Company Number: 12823542

Located at Walsall Arena & Arts Centre

Hawbush Road, Leamore, Walsall, WS3 1AG
